Sunday, March 09, 2008

sunset silhouette

Yesterday, the PDC a.k.a Panaga Dance Center had a show, Sunset Silhouette. The stage was cool, being on the beach and all, so no one was sweating hot with all the breeze coming in :]

They were 10 of us, if i counted correctly, with me, asher, haz1, zul, fazleen, mei kei, dyah, nisa, azie and umaima, although i didn't see much of umaima during the show.

We arrived 10 minutes late, and as we went closer to the beach which was closed off from the public, the thumping music became much more clear and clear and clear and clear and clear.

With my trusty camera bag and my *ehm*40D*ehm* hehe i went all the way front, where i saw a few photographers taking pictures, so i joined in. If you're wondering, i was one with the maroon Canon bag, with jeans and white-brown - ish striped button-up shirt.

here's a few of the pictures, and yes, i didn't put up all of them, there's just too many to put up x]

and yea, don't steal the pictures without permission. it's annoying. just ask for it, i'll be considerate :D

2 people said something:

tzen said...

these pictures are great! i came across them while i was looking for pictures for PDC because i used to dance with them since i was 6yrs old. but i've stopped dancing with them to continue studying overseas. any chance that i could get more pictures from you? do you know of any videos of the performance? i would really love to watch it since i missed it.

May 2, 2008 at 5:50 PM
Nazirul Syarqawi said...

hey thanks for the compliment! If you want, i'll post some more on my Flickr page in a while, and sorry i don't have any videos of the performances. i was only a photographer then :]

May 2, 2008 at 10:50 PM